Dusk's Gait (2018) 12'00

Dusk's Gait is partly narrative in form while projecting an overarching appreciation of the natural world: as dusk falls, a habitat of fictional creatures is let loose, celebrating moments of real nature that may easily expire. Although acousmatic sounds may appear abstract, they can be imbued with a sense of character through their gait - or literally the manner of moving, which can occur in space, in spectrum and in morphology. In Dusk's Gait, ambisonics spatialisation and custom-made sound analysis and transformation methods are used to create tangible spatial objects, each with a characteristic gait.

Dusk's Gait is composed in 7th order 3D ambisonics. Various versions are available for 8 to 64 speakers, as well as stereo for classical acousmonium sound diffusion performance.