17th January 2023, 20.00 Hidden Values (Part 1: The Umbrella, Part 2: Optical Tubes), IRCAM Espace de projection.
12th December 2022, 17.30 The Transformer #2. Soprano, live electronics, live video. Fylkingen, Stockholm.
3rd December 2022, 15.00 The Transformer #2. Soprano, live electronics, live video. Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Bærum, Norway.
12th November 2022, 19.30 Microclimate II: Red Snow, performed by Jaime Reis in the Culture and Sustainability Symposium, Lisboa Incomum, CCMAR, Portugal (R. Gen. Leman 20A, 1600-102 Lisboa, Portugal)
27th October 2022, 20.00 Urban Melt in Park Palais Meran. At 'signale graz 10111' MUMUTH GRAZ (Lichtenfelsgasse 14, György Ligeti Hall)
26th October 2022, 19.30 Speaking Spaces no. I: Heterotopia, MAAST Concert 1 - Sonic Cartography: soundscape, simulation and re-enactment, Chatham Historic Dockyard, UK.
12th October 2022, 16.00 Dream Awake and Senorary Sleep. Immersive Spaces concert at Nordic Music Days, Reykjavik.
6th October 2022, 19.30 Dusk's Gait. Performed in 'Synesthesia: An Electroacoustic Music and Multimedia Concert',The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Hong Kong.
16th September 2022, 15.00 (installation opening during Ultima and Oslo Culture Night) Presence/Nævær (Premier!). Outdoor 3D sound installation opening reception. Installation runs from 16th September - 14th October 2022.
23rd August 2022, 19.00 The Transformer #1 (Premier!). Soprano, live electronics, live video. Kulturkirken Jakob, Oslo, VoxLab concert.
23rd July 2022, 15.00 Solo acousmatic concert featuring works released on the Heterotopia album and premiers, at I K L E C T I K, Old Paradise Yard, 20 Carlisle Lane, London, UK.
7th July 2022, 16.10. Innermost (16-ch acousmatic version), IWA Theatre 2, Limerick (ICMC-2022)
28th June 2022, 20.30. Dream Awake (3D ambisonics). Premier! In the BEAST Dome, University of Birmingham, UK.
13th May 2022, 20.30. Allure and Hoodwink (Violin, Piano, live electronics and multi-channel electroacoustic sound), Stockholm Concert Hall, Stockholm, Sweden.
19th March 2022, 15.00. Solo concert, acousmatic works in multichannel, featuring Heterotopia and Growth. In the EAR-SOUND'N'NOISE-SCAPE, Rentemestervej Library, Copenhagen
11th March 2022, 19.00 Growth. Link coming soon! Performed by Giuseppe Pisano and EAU in Tønsberg
27th February 2022 Microclimates III : Glacial Loop [binaural version], Festival Ecoute(s), radio podcast
22nd February 2022, 18.30 Pockets of Space (Barrett/Open Ended Group, 2D video, 3D sound), Sentralen, Oslo.
15th February 2022, 19.00 Growth. Premier! Performed by Giuseppe Pisano and EAU, at Sentralen, Oslo
2nd February 2022, 19.00 Altered States 1 & 2, performed by Nordic Voices at the New Munch Museum.
21st November Hidden Values. At Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival | HCMF2021.
7th November, 19.00 Microclimates III-VI, in the concert Versipel Collective I: In Sound. Marigny Opera House, New Orleans, USA
29th October, 20.30 Urban Melt in Park Palais Meran. At Tonband 2021, PULS/EAU/Audiorama. Goteborg.
10th October The Forest Grows Restless (premier). At the Dom im Berg, Musikprotokoll Festival, Graz.
7th October Beachcomber. At the MUMUTH, Musikprotokoll Festival, Graz.
7th October Inversion 3: Speaking Surfaces (Premier!). Installation opening at the, MUMUTH, Musikprotokoll Festival, Graz.
7th October 'The Weathered Piano' (24.8 version, outdoor loudspeaker array), CCRMA Transitions 2021: Concert 1, Stanford, USA.
23rd September 2021, 21.00 Where Shockwaves Become Sound. Performed by Nils Henrik Asheim. At Oslo Domkirken (Ultima Festival).
4th September 2021, 20.30 Where Shockwaves Become Sound (premier!). Performed by Nils Henrik Asheim. At Fartein Valen, Stavanger konserthus.
24th August 2021, 19.00 Altered States I & II (premier!). Performed by Nordic Voices. At Marmorsalen, Sentralen. Oslo.
18th August 2021, 19.00 Speaking Spaces no.1: Heterotopia (premier!). At Marmorsalen, Sentralen. Oslo.
4th August 2021, 20.00 Microclimates III-VI (binaural revised versions with video), in EAU: Binaural #3 streaming concert.
24th-26th June April 2021 Subliminal Throwback (site specific installation opening), Amphitheatre between Slemdalsveien 11 and Gydas vei 6 Oslo.
2nd June 2021, 12.30 & 21.00 Talking Trees (in Electric Audio Unit and Audiorama present PULS BINAURAL streaming concert.
17th April 2021, 20.00 Streaming concert in the first festival in the ZiMMT, Leipzig. Unique virtualisation of three works in the real ZiMMT concert space: Involuntary Expression, Talking Trees, The Weathered Piano.
16th April 2021, 20.00 (PDT / GMT-7) Allure and Hoodwink, online streaming concert performed by Miranda Cuckson and Conor Hanick, Fromm Players at Harvard.
5th March 2021, 18.00. Peat+Polymer special installation, exhibition opening. Also March 5th-27th, Friday-Sunday, 13:00-17:00
29th November 2020, 19.00. CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19. Solo Acousmatic concert at the ZiMMT (Zentrum fur immersive Medienkunst, Musik und Technologie) Leipzig, Germany.
20th November 2020, 19.00. CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19. Allure and Hoodwink (piano, violin, live electronics), performed by Duo Hellqvist/Amaral (with Barrett performing live electronics, full original version of the work), Grunewaldsalen, Stockholm konserthuset
15th November 2020, 20.30. Hidden Values. ByPass festival, Theatre le Ring a Toulouse, Blagnac
29th October 2020, 21.00. Allure and Hoodwink (piano, violin, live electronics), performed by Duo Hellqvist/Amaral at the Aveirense Theater, Rua Belem do Para, Aveiro, Portugal.
23rd October 2020, 18.30. The Line of Solstice, premier. Forstanderskapssalen, Sentralen, Oslo
6th-8th October 2020. CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19. Concert and installation at the Musikprotokoll Festival, Graz, Austria
1st-31st October 2020 'Beach Comber'. Online interactive audio installation for binaural / headphones. Musikprotokoll festival 'tingles and clicks' project
26th September 2020, 19.00. Allure and Hoodwink (piano, violin, live electronics), performed by Duo Hellqvist/Amaral at the Inter Arts Center, Malmo, Sweden.
18th-27th September 2020 (daily) 'Remote Sensing the Tidal Zone'. 8-channel revision of 'Sansing i Strandsona' for Galleria Tina Modotti, Udine, Italy.
16th September 2020, 20.00 'Talking Trees', 3D ambisonics (premier!) performed at the IEM Cube (Graz, Austria). The concert is part of the artistic program of the Audio Mostly 2020 conference.
27th August 2020, 22.00 'Deconstructing Dowland' and 'Where Shadows do for Bodies Pass', guitar and live electronics. Hugo Simoes (guitar), Nadia Carvalho (computer). Arte No Tempo /Teatro Aveirense, Igreja das Carmelitas, Praca Marques de Pombal, 3810-133 Aveiro, Portugal
12th-16th August 2020, 12.00-19.00 (daily) 'Sansing i Strandsona', site specific 24-channel 3D sound installation in the beach pavilion, Hvervenbukta, Oslo.
15th May 2020. CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19. Concert and keynote talk at KLG2000, Hamburg.
6th March 2020, 20.30 Islands of Lost Passports, rev. 2020. Metamorf.
28th February 2020, 19.30 The Weathered Piano (quattuor tempora anni) PREMIER!, Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo.
25th February 2020, 19.30 Urban Melt in Park Palais Meran. Music of Today / DXARTS: Winter Listening. Meany Hall, Katharyn Alvord Gerlich Theater.
22nd February 2020, 15.00 Kernel Expansion, played at the Goethe-Institut, Lima, Peru. In collaboration with ZKM|Zentrum für Kunst und Medien
12th February 2020, 19.00 Urban Melt in Park Palais Meran. Concert of Visual Music at BU Sonic Arts.
12th February 2020, 22.00 Dusk's Gait, Electronic Frequencies radio streaming.
7th February 2020, 19.30 Sagittarius A*, performed by Sarah Saviet and Nicholas Moroz in the Sequence #8 concert KM28, Berlin..
5th February 2020, 19.00 Solo concert, Azkuna Zentroa in Bilbao, Spain. Dusk's Gait, Urban Melt in Park Palais Meran, Involuntary Expression
1st February 2020, 19.30 Hidden Values, in the Lord of the Bings concert, Stanford.
28th January 2020, 19.00 Sagittarius A*, performed by the Explore Ensemble, Greenwich, UK.
26th January 2020 Outdoor concert, Culture House in Tromsø.
5th January 2020 Draumkvedet-Barrett: live electronics concert performance with Ellen Nordstoga. Using materials from the installation Draumkvedet-Barrett. Marking the opening of the permanent 16-ch installation. permanent 16-ch installation
10th December 2019, 19.00 Portrait concert at the Sibelius Academy, 25 speakers concert during the Spatial Audio Week. Program and links coming soon!
23rd November 2019, 17.00 Involuntary Expression (HOA / ambisonics acousmatic over 24 speakers), Nordic Music Days concert, Stormen, Lille Sal, Bodø, Norway. I'll also be setting up the Virtualmonium (emulation of the acousmonium in HOA) for the diffusion of stereo works.
14th November 2019, 12.00 Mobilis in Mobili (8-ch version) in the 'Espace Decouverte, Lux Nova' concert, Philharmonie Luxembourg.
20th September 2019, 19.00 Innermost. Premier! acousmatic 3D composition in 7th order HOA (over 36 speakers in a dome), and 3D stereoscopic video by Marc Downie. Ultima festival, Sentralen, Oslo. Repeat show on the 21st September, 14.00
5th September, 18.30 Uhørte kart / From afar. Music installation to celebrate the opening of the new antique maps exhibition at the Kartsenteret / Map Centre, National Library, Henrik Ibsens gate 110, Oslo. Repeat show 6th September 17.00.
19th July 2019, 20.00 Concert of high precision ambisonics works at EMPAC, Troy. New York. 71 speakers 7th order ambisonics. Urban Melt in Park Palais Meran, Involuntary Expression, He Slowly Fell and Transformed into the Terrain. After the ambisonics concert, a 580-speaker wave field synthesis version of Urban Melt will be played.
18th July 2019, 19.00 Pockets of Space, ambisonics and 3D video, EMPAC, Troy. New York.
19th June 2019, 20.00 Dusk's Gait (ambisonics decoding) at the ICMC-NYCEMF, Loreto Theatre, 18 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012, USA
7th June 2019, 19.00 Portals. Live sound diffusion performance, at the Sculpting Sound in Space - Sound diffusion workshop and concert. Bergen.
31th May 2019 Urban Melt in Park Palais Meran (ambisonics version). CCRMA at Bing | The Lord of the Bings: The Two Bings. Bing Concert Hall. Stanford, USA.
25th May 2019, 21.00 Sagittarius A*, (Violin, live electronics and multichannel sound), performed by Jian Ren at the ONLY CONNECT 2019: TECTONICS festival, Stanvanger
5th May 2019, 15.00 Dusk's Gait (8-channel version) at the Mixtur Festival 2019, Barcelona.
3rd May 2019, 19.00 Dusk's Gait (performed over the 70-speaker BEAST system) at BEAST FEaST 2019, Elgar Concert Hall, Birmingham, UK
28th March 2019 Pockets of Space. 3D ambisonics and 3D video at IRCAM Live (Centre Pompidou, Paris)
27th March 2019 Live electronics improvisation immersive spatial audio concert for the AES conference on spatial audio. Natasha Barrett (computer), Stefan Ostersjo (guitar). St Margaret's National Centre for Early Music, York.
26th March 2019 Dusk's Gait, Involuntary Expression, and He Slowly Fell and Transformed into the Terrain, performed in a higher-order ambisonics concert for the AES conference on spatial audio. The Rymer Auditorium, Department of Music, University of York
22nd March 2019 Featured concert with Ensemble Sillages, Brest, France; program will include SagA (violin, live electronics and ambisonics), Dusk's Gait and Microclimates Glacial Loop and Remote Gale.
15th March 2019 Reality and Secrets II, performed in nyMusikks new concert series 'Kløster'. Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo.
23rd February 2019 Urban Melt in Park Palais Meran, for Wave Field Synthesis. Performed over the Game of Life WFS array, Concertgebouw Brugge , 't Zand 34, 8000 Brugge, Belgium.
1st-2nd February 2019 Dusk's Gait. 3D ambisonics BING Concert Hall, CCRMA, Stanford, USA
29th November 2018 Sagittarius A* performed by Karin Hellqvist and Natasha Barrett at the Tempo Reale festival, Florence, Italy
22nd November 2018 Dusk's Gait performed over the KMH ambisonics speaker dome during the 'November Space' symposium and concerts. KMH, Stockholm.
8th November 2018 Glacial Loop and Wet Face at Site SpecFX "Perimetro de parlantes", Biblioteca Jose Vasconcelos, Eje Norte 1 s/n, 06350 Mexico City, Mexico
7th November 2018 Dusk's Gait (7th order 3D HOA) PREMIER! Performed in hybrid ambisonics over a 24-speaker 3D loudspeaker array. Hvelvet, Sentralen. Oslo. Performed by EAU
20th October 2018, 21.00 Portals (stereo spatialisation performance), played in the competition winners concert of the XII International Composition Competition "Citta di Udine". Teatro san Giorgio, Udine, Italy
29th-30th September 2018 Hidden Values performed at the 2018 Innovation series Music-Concert of Machines, Experience Theater (No.21-1, Zhongshan S. Rd.), Taiwan.
11th August 2018 Kalv Festival, Denmark: Allure and Hoodwink (Piano, violin and live electronics), performed by Duo Hellqvist/Amaral.
July 19-21, 2018 'Racing Unseen' used as the music for choreographer Davida Monk's work 'The Heart of Ringing'. Decidedly Jazz Dance Centre Theatre in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
11th July 2018 Hindsgavl Festival, Denmark: Allure and Hoodwink (Piano, violin and live electronics), performed by Duo Hellqvist/Amaral.
8th July 2018 'Momentary Invisible Beings'. 7th order 3D ambisonics performed over a 64-speaker hemisphere array at EMPAC, 110 8th Street, Troy NY 12180. USA
8th July 2018 Villa Elisabeth, Berlin: 20-speaker ambisonics concert featuring new versions of 'He Slowly Fell and Transformed into the Terrain', 'Involuntary Expression', and the premier of my latest ambisonics improvisation experiment 'Dark Flight with Luminescence'. Best seats go first!
23rd-24th June 2018 Pockets of Space (2018). 3D 7th order ambisonics over a 64-speaker hemisphere. Manifest, IRCAM (Centre Pompidou, Grand Salle) WORLD PREMIER
5th May 2018, 19.30 Traversing a Small Town at Night (2015, rev 2018), For flutes, multichannel electroacoustic sound and live electronics. WORLD PREMIER! Performed by Bjornar Habbestad and EAU. Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo.
26th February 2018, 19.45 Islands of Lost Passports (2017), For ensemble, multichannel electroacoustic sound and live electronics. WORLD PREMIER! Performed by Asamisimasa and EAU. Forstanderskapsalen, Sentralen, Oslo.
17th February 2018, 7.30pm Reality and Secrets II (in 5th order 3D), Involuntary Expression (in 6th order 3D) and diffusion performance with the Virtualmonium, in the New CCRMA Stage, 56-speaker sound system, Stanford.
7th January 2018, 8pm A Soundwalk through Shanghai. The San Francisco Tape Music Festival 2018. 16th Street Victoria Theater, 2961 16th Street, San Francisco. Special multichannel version for the festival!
5th December 2017 Sagittarius A*. 5th December 2017. , Goteborg, Sweden
19th November 2017 Sagittarius A*. 19th November 2017. Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, UK.
25th October 2017, 8pm He Slowly Fell and Transformed into the Terrain and Involuntary Expression, performed over 34 speakers at the Akousma Festival, Montreal. Special versions for hybrid diffusion and ambisonics decoding.
10th October 2017 He Slowly Fell and Transformed into the Terrain. Performed in HOA over 24 speakers in the Musikkteknologidagene 2017, Norges musikkhøgskole, Slemdalsveien 11, 0363 Oslo
4th October 2017 Involuntary Expression, performed in 6th order 3D ambisonics at CCRMA, Stanford, in their newly installed 56.8 speaker array.
7th October 2017 Sound Exposure / L'itineraire play Sound Exposure in Peru, Flammepunkt, Hidden Values and He slowly fell, and transformed into the terrain, in the Paris Nuit Blanche 2017. Mediatheque Melville, 79 Rue Nationale, 75013 Paris.
5th October 2017 Sagittarius A*. Premier! 5th October 2017. Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo.
11th September 2017 Involuntary Expression. Premier: 11th September 2017 (19.00). Ultima Festival. Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo.
9th September 2017 Hour concert at the White Night event of Skaņu Mezs, Ave Sol (Citadeles street 7). Riga. The event starts at 21:00. Works include: Topology Chamber II, He Slowly Fell and Transformed into the Terrain, Reality and Secrets II and Microclimates III and IV
22nd April 2017 CCRMA/Stanford Residency Concert, Braun Hall, Standford. He Slowly Fell and Transformed into the Terrain, Topology Chamber 2, and Volvelle. All decoded from 4th order 3-D ambisonics over the 25-channel GRAIL loudspeaker array.
20th February 2017 Allure & Hoodwink. Performed by Hellqvist, Amaral and Barrett. At Kontraklang, Berlin.
21st December 2016 Portrait concert: 'He slowly fell and transformed into the terrain' and 'Hidden Values'. Sonikas / CRC (Centrocentro Cibeles De Cultura Y Ciudadania)
10st December 2016. 'Allure and Hoodwink', Marbal Hall, Sentralen, Oslo. More info soon! (17.30)
28th October 2016 Reality and Secrets II- part 2. Observations Discrètes // soundinitiative, Saint-Merri 76, rue de la verrerie, 75004 Paris, France
7th October 2016 He slowly fell and transformed into the terrain. In hybrid ambisonics and sound diffusion performance, with GRM at the MPAA/Auditorium Saint-Germain
4th October 2016 He slowly fell and transformed into the terrain. PREMIER! In hybrid ambisonics and sound diffusion performance, at the EAU Electric Space : Hybrid concert. Sentralen, Oslo.
12th September 2016 Topology Chamber 2 (16-channel version), performed at TivoliVredenburg Pandora, ICMC 2016
12th July 2016 Hidden Values part 1: The Umbrella performed at the Sound Symposium
22nd May 2016 Curated concert, Musica Electronica Nova, Wroclow, Poland. (OSSTS-route no.1; Under the Sea Floor: Coring and Strata; Gentle Sediment).
19th May 2016 Work in The Well-Tempered GRAIL concert - CCRMA Sound Worlds in the Bing Studio Space
6th-8th May 2016 Topology Chamber 2 performed with hybrid ambisonics and sound diffusion. Speculations in sound, Belfast (info coming soon!)
29th April 2016 Topology Chamber 2 performed with hybrid ambisonics and sound diffusion. BEAST, Birmingham, UK.
20th-22nd April 2016 Topology Chamber 2 performed with sound diffusion. SIME 2016 international electroacoustic music festival, Lille, France.
7th April 2016 Kernel Expansion in 3-D at the DXARTS Spring Concert, Meany Hall, Washington
17th February 2016 Topology Chamber 2 in full 5th order 3-D ambisonics! Electric Space Concert Series, Oslo.
6th February 2016 Gentle Sediment, Topology Chamber 2 and Volvelle, at the Reevox Festival, Marseille.
26th November 2015 Topology Chamber 2 over the ZKM 47-speaker Klangdom, at InSonic-2015, Karlsruhe, Germany
19th November 2015 Hidden Values, part-II (Optical Tubes), Electric Space Concert Series, Oslo.
23rd October 2015 Acousmatic concert at the Insomnia Festival, Tromsø. Driv, 22.00. Including a new spatialised version of Gentle Sediment, Topology Chamber 2 and Volvelle 1.
25th September 2015 OSLOS LUX, showing of latest bioluminescence and 3D sound composition in collaboration with Anthony Rowe
19th September 2015 OSSTS route no. 1 (premier), Hidden Values. L'Audible Festival, Bagnolet, France.
9th July 2015 Topology Chamber 2 (full 3D ambisonics array!). MuMuth, Graz.
3rd July 2015 Premier! Topology Chamber 2 (full 3D ambisonics array!). EAU concert, Riksscenen, Oslo Norway.
3rd July 2015 Hidden Values, at the Conservatorio, Piazza Olivieri, Pesaro, Italy.
2nd June 2015 Premier! Topology Chamber 1 (over 30 ch Meyer sound loudspeaker system). LSU, Baton Rouge. USA
9th May 2015 Portrait concert, Made festival, Norrlandsoperan, Sweden
12th March 2015 Premier! Volvelle 1. MULTI concert, Ostre Skostredet 3, Borealis Festival, Bergen.
27th February 2015 Hidden Values, performed by Call & Response, London.
30th March 2015 Portrait concert and masterclasses, Pesaro, Italy.
20th February 2015 Hidden Values (8-ch version). College of Fine Arts, University of Florida
28th November 2014 EAU at Lydgalleriet / Ostre, Bergen (concert version of Flammepunkt, 4th order full 3D ambisonics)
28th November 2014 EAU at Rockheim, Trondhiem (concert version of Flammepunkt)
6th November 2014 Stockholm release concert for Peat+Polymer, SOUND OF STOCKHOLM, Audiorama, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm.
8th November 2014 Jury member (with Trevor Wishart and Martyn Harry) on the Electronic Music Oxford/Sennhesier Electronic Music Prize Concert, also performing my own Hidden Values, Part III. Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St Hilda's College, Cowley Place, Oxford
15th-20th September 2014 OSSTS at Ultima, premier of the revised version!
14th September 2014 Flammepunkt: multimedia outdoor even, 4-ch and 23 stereo compositions throughout the evening. Premier! Grunnlovsjubileet 1814-2014
26th June 2014 Curated concert of 3D works from international composers, including Shanghai Soundwalk (premier) Multi concert series, Lydgalleriet, Bergen
7th May 2014 Invited Keynote presentation 'Life in 3D' Symposium, Edinburgh.
19th March 2014 Allure and Hoodwink. PREMIER! Borealis festival, Bergen.
14th March 2014 Portrait Concert Bangor New Music Festival
16th December 2013 Solo profile concert featuring "Untitled Two", "Untitled One", "Hidden Values" IEM Cube, Graz. Austria
27th November 2013 Solo profile concert featuring "Reality and Secrets no. 2", "Untitled Two", "Untitled One", "Hidden Values" The Royal College of Music, Aarhus, Denmark.
20th November 2013 A collector's Chest (ensemble and electronics). Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
7th November 2013 A collector's Chest (ensemble and electronics). Oslo Kunsthall.
12th November 2013 Spatial audio concert at Rockheim, Trondheim. Info coming at this link soon!
29th October 2013 Spatial audio concert at Lydgalleriet, Bergen Info coming at this link soon!
10th September 2013 Premier of National Theatre play OSV, at Torhsov Theatre, Oslo. For more information click here.
31st July 2013 "Hidden Values". Special decoding for this concert! SMC13, 20.00. The Royal College of Music, Stockholm, Sweden.
27th April 2013 "Animalcules" Avgarde, Bergen (Østre Skostredet 3)
28th and 29th November 2012 "Hidden Values" IRCAM, Espace de Projection inauguration
1st November 2012 "Kernel Expansion" Notam Thursday's concert series at Riksscenen, Oslo
20th October 2012 "Kernel Expansion - ambisonics performance played on the Sala Bianca Wavefield system!" Concerto di musica elettronica, XXII Rassegna Internazionale di Musica Moderna e Contemporanea, Teatro Farnese - Casa della Musica Auditorium Paganini, Parma, Italy.
11th October 2012 "Crack" performed by Ars Nova and Nordic Music Days in Stockholm
31st August 2012 "Trade Winds" REM Konzert 87 NOCH EINE NACHT IM AUGUST Spedition am Güterbahnhof, Bremen, Germany
27th August 2012 "DrOX"(Natasha Barrett / Tanja Orning) NOTAM opening concert, Myrens Verksted, Sandakerveien 24D, Bygg F3, Oslo, Norway.
29th June 2012 "Deconstructing Dowland" Båstad festival, Sweden
24th March 2012 Live electronics concert with Bendik Giske / Nymusikk, Oslo.(links coming soon!)
11.11.11 - 11.12.11 "Aftershock" sound installation exhibition. Gallery ROM, Oslo.
11th, November 2011. 19.00. Performance opening of "Aftershock" Gallery ROM, Oslo.
20th, October 2011. 20.30. "Liquid Crystal" at London Sinfonietta, Sonic Explorations 2
28th & 29th, October 2011. 20.30. "Liquid Crystal" at London Sinfonietta in Mexico
28th, October 2011. 21.00. "Fetters" at Festival di musica Contemporanea, Aula magna della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione. Cagliari, Italy.
15th, September 2011. 19.00. "Rite-3/18" at Auditorio Alberto Lleras - Uniandes, Los Andes University, Bogota.
27th August, 12.00 "Untitled 2" Radius Radio (broadcast), Chicago
29th May 2011 for three months! "Crush 2" (PREMIER!) Norsk Teknisk Musuem, Oslo.
27th May 2011 "Untitled 3" (PREMIER!) during the Technology and Aesthetics symposium, Oslo.
27th May 2011 "Reality and Secrets no.2" (PREMIER!) during the Technology and Aesthetics symposium, Oslo.
10th May 2011 "Sub Terra" at City University, London.
29th April 2011 "Kernel Expansion" (Octophonic version) at Kitchener City Hall Rotunda, Open Ears festival, Ontario, Canada.
19th January 2011 "Untitled Two" at PACE Building, Studio 1, Richmond St., Leicester WORLD PREMIER!
4th December 2010 "Animalcules" at Cafeteatret 2.00pm. Grønland Kammermusikkfestival WORLD PREMIER!
24th November 2010 "Mobilis in Mobili" at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
30th October 2010 "Reality and Secrets no.1", plus workshop. IXEM live, Milan, Italy.
22nd September 2010 "Deconstructing Dowland" and live electronics performance. Warsaw Autumn 2010
7th September 2010 "Reality and Secrets no.1 ". World premier at DAFX2011
4th-7th August 2010 "Kernel Expansion", Sound Travels festival, Toronto
6th-8th May 2010 "Kernel Expansion" concert and paper presentations. IRCAM, Paris. 24 loudspeaker hemisphere ambisonics decoding.
9th April 2010 Kernel Expansion, Gentle Sediment, Untitled-1. Soundscape Symposium concert. Oslo
4th-6th March 2010 Kernel Expansion, Mobilis in Mobili (and me) at the Other Minds Festival (San Fransisco)
Feb 2010 Live electronics concert with Bugge Wesseltoft, Tora Augestad and Tanja Orning
9th December 2009 Kernel Expansion and Gentle Sediment, EAU concert, Litteraturehuset. Oslo.
28th November 2009 Kernel Expansion PREMIER!ZKM Medientheater (Giga-Hertz-Preise 2009), ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
23rd October 2009 Live electronics performance (composed and improvised works) SONIKAS VII, Madrid, Spain
12th October 2009 Rhizaria (Barely: part-4) Temporeale Festival, Teatro della Pergola, Florence, Italy.
11th October 2009 Solo concert and presentation in the TR_PLAYLIST Temporeale Festival, Teatro della Pergola, Florence, Italy.
3rd October 2009 Deconstructing DowlandLondon Sinfonietta, Sonic Explorations Series, Hall 1, Kings Place, London, UK.
29th September 2009 Sub Terra at the World New Music Days Palladium, Vaxsjo, Sweden.
17th September 2009 Dr.OX Ultima Festival Hyperimprovisation concert, NMH, Oslo.
20th August 2009 Launch concert for CD "Black Bile Extempore" Sound of MU, Oslo.
16th May 2009 Rhizaria and Dr.OX NMH, Oslo.
5th March 2009 Concert and lecture: De Montfort University, UK
24th February 2009 Zone-1 (piano, percussion, clarinet, computer). PREMIER!
Performed by the Ensemble Ars Nova, Malmo, Sweden
Palladium, Malmo. Sweden.
11th-13th Feb., 2009. Angels & Devils on the first night, Wet Face and Trade Winds at the second concert and Sub Terra and The Utility of Space on the third night.
Trans’électroacoustique festival in Marseille (France)
28th Jan- 13th Feb 2009 Trade Winds, Utility of Space, Microclimates (concert versions), Angels and Devils.
Link to GMEM's webpage.
29th Jan-1st Feb. 2009 Microclimates III-IV
Ilois Festival, Norway.
7th December, 2008. Rhizaria (Barely_part 4). PREMIER!. Cello and live electronics; Gentle Sediment (Barely_part-3). Apen Teater, Oslo, Oslo.
6th December, 2008. Sub Terra Apen Theatre, Oslo, Oslo.
7th-28th November, 2008. Barely_part-2 installation. Gallery ROM, Oslo. Barely_part-2 web info
10th-12th October. Sub Terra installations. click here for info
12th October. Sub Terra concert and 40 minute live radio broadcast. Musikprotokoll festival / Austrian radio, Graz. click here for info
4th-7th September. Sub Terra (installations and acousmatic concert, premier!) Stavanger. see here for programme info .
28th August, 2008. "Fetters". Bremen, Germany. see here for programme info
23rd August, 2008. "Trade Winds". Futura festival, Crest (France). see here for programme info
6th June, 2008. Crack / Ars Nova
Integra, Birmingham. UK webinfo
27th-29th June, 2008. Angels and Devils (played by Åke Parmerud), Festival for electro acoustic music in Cagliari, Sardinia
4th June, 2008. Gentle Sediment (Barely part 4). WORLD PREMIER
Bourges Synthese Festival 2008 webinfo
3rd May, 2008. DR.OX
2nd May, 2008. DR.OX
DOMKIRKEN, kl. 19.00. Bergen. webinfo
11th December, 2007. Trade Winds Sibelius Academy concert, House of Nobility, Ritarikatu 1, Helsinki.
November 28th, 2007. Trade Winds, Twin of Eyg, Three Fictions (Northern Mix)
Akousma (4), 8:00 pm — Studio Hydro-Québec — Monument-National webinfo
28th Sept- 14th Oct. Microclimates III-VI
Mollergate 13 / Sleppet
September 30th - October 14th. Barely: part-1 installation
Kanonhallen. Ultima festival. Barely: part-1 web info
Aug 31st- Sept 23rd. Microclimates III-VI
LYDGALLERIET, Bergen. Norway.
August 29th, 2007. Trade Winds.
Nordic Music Days 2007, Norrkoping, Sweden. Nordic Music Days
June 6th, 2007. DrOx.
BIDROBON status 5 concert series, Biermannsgarden, Oslo. Norway
May 3rd 2007. Troy, USA. Barrett+Ferrari.
April 13th-15th 2007 Trade Winds, Stockholm
April 1st 2007 "Crack" PREMIER by Ars Nova, at the 'Connect' festival, Lund, Sweden.
February 10th 2007 Three Fictions at the National library, Oslo.
January 23rd 2007 Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo.
November 9th 2007 Liquid Crystal and Sub Terra, at CREATE Concert, Lotte Lehmann Concert Hall, UCSB. California, USA
November 7th 2007 Sandefjord Church Music Festival.
May 10th-13th 2007 Installation Rain Forest Cycle SPOR festival, Denmark
14th and 15th April, 2007. "Trade Winds", at LARM - Nordic sound art festival at Kulturhuset
6th March, 2006. "Trade Winds", at Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ ("Music Building on the IJ"), Amstersam
October 2006 Trade Winds, Ultima. Oslo Norway. For programme information see:
8th September 2006 Sub Terra PREMIER! (concert and installations) at Tou and the Numusic festival. Stavanger Norway.
25th March 2006 Hommage a Parmerud, PREMIER! Salle Olivier Messiaen — Maison de Radio France (Paris, France)